Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dog People

My dogs spend quite a bit of time in my front yard when the weather is fair as it 
has been lately.  Living near several public places, (the historical society, the 1912 
Center, the high school), ensures a good amount of foot traffic past my house and 
both Nosey and Seamus have their regulars - friends and admirers who stop to see 
them, pet them, give them treats and throw the frisbee.  Occasionally some cold 
hearted person will walk by without even a glance at their sweet and friendly faces, 
but that doesn’t happen very often.

And then some times you get someone like today. A guy stops, pets them, talks to
 them for a minute and then - WAVES to them and says "b’bye".  Wow.  What a great 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dog Advice on Metafilter

I’ve had a couple of promising second interviews and in hopes of starting full time work 
soon, I asked the following on Metafilter:

“Dog advice needed - How to keep my dogs happy while I'm at work?”

I’ve gotten some great responses including this one:

Other things - get a big Kong for each of them and fill it with treats in the morning. Hide 
treats around the house. Leave the TV on. Get someone to check in on them during the 
day. Hire a walker. If your house is set up that way, some folks swear by a doggie door 
so they can go in and out at leisure.

Sometimes I call home home and talk to my dogs when the answering machine picks 
up. I have no idea if they listen or not, but it makes me feel better (and kind of weird, 
but whatever.)

Read all the responses here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Boycotting Urban Outfitters

I like Urban Outfitters but their propensity for copying
the designs of independent artists is just plain greedy.

Why not buy from the artist, instead of creating knock-
offs?  Here's their latest copy and for now, I've decided
not to shop there anymore.