Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Site Mash for Jobs

I know I blogged about Site mash before.  It was how I found my
itsy-bitsy Shasta trailer.

Now that I am unemployed, I am using it daily for job hunting.
I look for investigator positions, but you can type in nurse, baker
tinker, tailor . . . you get my drift.  Put in whatever your job interest is,
and site mash will look through all the craigslist jobs posted in the us
and pull out the ones with oh, say, candlestick maker, for you.

Very handy.

ANd while using it . . you might want to send your good wishes out
into the universe for all those who are unemployed.  Every little bit


Anonymous said...

It would be great if the universe compensated those who put good wishes out there for their unemployed counterparts. But alas, I as yet have been shown no mercy...unemployed for one year, I regret the time, expense and heartache I put into becoming an RN

gracehoper said...

Things are really bad when an RN can't get a job. Best of luck to you in your search - it has to get better soon (fingers crossed!).